The answer is YES! You can get a room design online you’ll love with a smart interior decorator who uses the power of the internet plus the human touch of a designer. That’s the secret.
Thousands of clients from celebrities to your next door neighbor can’t be wrong. Havenly, Laurel + Wolf, The Decorist and Homepolish are a few of the national online companies invested in providing interior decor solutions. If you’ve never used an interior decorator before or you aren’t sure about how to go about hiring one, this is an affordable way to get some expert design help.
Room design online or eDesign makes it easier to discover how you want your home to look.
Think of it this way. Filling out a questionnaire online forces you to really think about what’s important to you. What colors you like, what favorite pieces you want to keep and what styles appeal to your life style. As a bonus, when you provide this kind of detail for your designer, they have a chance to hear what you’re saying without distractions.
Too often when a designer walks into a space they think about what THEY would do to the space. Yes you’re hiring them for their expert opinion, but let’s not exclude your input as the homeowner. With the collaborative nature of virtual design, you’re truly a part of the design process along with your designer.
If you’re a home investor or property manager, you probably have specific budget needs, timelines and schedules to keep in mind.
Online interior design gives you a chance to give your input on budget from the very beginning. Because all the decisions, products, plans and finishes are stored online in a project account created specifically for you it also gives you an element of collaboration that may get lost in the traditional design process. With virtual design you’re more involved than ever
Advantages to Design Online (e-Design)
- Initial phone consultation establishes rapport with your designer
- Saves time. No more extensive meetings on site or in person
- Creates clear collaboration and communication via notes
- Establishes budget up front.
- Client can approve or disapprove boards or products
- Access to personal online portal to view designs, notes and products
- Opportunity to select from hundreds of products available online
- Work with a favorite designer wherever you live
- You set your budget upfront with packages or project pricing.
- More affordable than traditional design
- Visualize floor plans and concept boards on any project
The most compelling feature of online or virtual e-design is this; your options aren’t limited by your location. Great room design is available wherever you live, because your designer essentially comes to you.
Thanks to online software, creating professional floor plans, concept boards and room designs showing furniture placement is easier than ever. Without it, online design couldn’t exist. The ability to visualize your rooms on your computer or phone is what makes e-design work. Unless you’re in the minority, you need to SEE something before you get it or buy into it, right?
That’s the beauty of virtual or e-design for your home decorating project. You and your designer are both able to see how your design project will look before you make any final commitments. Saves time and money, a win win!
Ready to get started? Contact me to get started! Not ready yet? Check out my design services.
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